

1. 学校位置和周边环境

Trader Joe's, Costco, Target, Walmart, Home Depot, Starbucks, and many other stores are all less than a 5 minute drive away (and you get discounted member pricing at these retailers by using your UD ID). There is also an Amtrak station in Newark that takes you to Philly or Baltimore for easy access to major cities. As far as the weather goes, we go through pretty much every type of weather imaginable from snowstorms in January to 90+ degree days in summer. It does rain a lot here but it pours down so hard sometimes I wonder how anything can grow under those clouds.

2. Academics

The department where you will be working has about 30-40 grad students in total and you will have several classmates in your cohort who do not speak English fluently. Most classes are taught in English but with some help from the professor's translation app on your phone you should be able to understand everything just fine if you read, write, and converse slowly enough. You will definitely need to learn to read and write Chinese before you come though. The coursework for both the MS and Phd programs are mostly done online so you can work at your own pace and there is no need to worry about taking too many courses at once and burning yourself out.

3 People

I think this might be my favorite part. My cohort is made up of about 15 international students who are very motivated to learn. We spend our lunch breaks studying together或者talking about life as foreigners living in America. We eat dinner together most nights and occasionally go off campus to happy hours/barbecues/movie theaters. Because there are only two or three Americans in each class you really feel like you have made friends for life. One of my closest buddies is actually my Chinese tutor whom I met when I took Introduction to Chinese Culture last spring. Now we study together almost everyday and he helps me with my Mandarin in exchange for helping him with his English. We call each other “buddy” and meet up wherever we are going next(比如,他住在夏威夷而我即将去加州)---it's


我是在特拉华大学读的MFE,然后拿到了AD(Master's)和PhD .首先说一下MFE课程,基本上MFE的课程都是quantitative 的课居多,例如R,Probability, Optimization,统计等等,基本就是纯数理的东西。虽然我是学MFE的但是我在PhD阶段也上过不少非MF课,比如随机控制,时间序列这些。

我个人觉得在美国学习最重要的是要有自己的目标并且要为之努力。因为美国是申请制而不是选拔制所以只要你的成绩可以就可以上你想上的学校(当然也要考虑专业是不是你真正感兴趣的)。在申请阶段你要想清楚为什么你要去这个学校和这个项目(一定要认真思考不要只是随大流),这样你在申请的时候才有动力。在研究生期间也是一样,如果你是为了找工作而读这个专业的话那你就需要多去找实习来增加你的筹码;如果你是想要继续搞学术那你需要好好想想未来想研究的领域并早早开始联系导师做研究。 我个人认为在美国读书最重要的在于你能不能找到志同道合的人一起讨论问题一起学习进步。因为在那里大家都是很优秀的一批人所以你不用担心找不到人聊天或讨论问题。而且因为大家都是奔着“高大上”去的所以大家也都比较能互相理解对方的心情与想法
