

雅思成绩单的寄送是考完后10个工作日,也就是两周左右的时间。 但这只是官方的说法,其实你可以打电话给学校,问一下他们是否收到你的雅思成绩。一般来讲,如果你雅思成绩5.5+,想申请名校的话,最好还是刷到6-6.5分。虽然6分相当于雅思4个7,但很多考生会觉得4个7很难,其实雅思6分是比雅思6.5容易一些的。因为雅思6.5要求各项小分都不能低于6;而雅思6则只需要其中两门达到6就行了(一般是阅读和听力) 下面分享一下我的备考经验~希望能帮到大家~


对于词书的选择,建议大家选用雅思真题词汇书。我是在京东上买的,里面有剑桥雅思真题集,以及配套的音频。这样在背单词的时候,就可以听音频、跟读词汇了,效果会更好。 除了记背单词,还要积累词汇语块。雅思考试题目难度不算难,但是很多单词都是固定搭配,这些固定搭配的词语就是要积累的重点。比如:

IELTS is a computer-based test, with four sections and an optional writing test. It lasts for about three hours, spread over two days. The first day consists of the Speaking Test and taking the A/G or F/J section of the exam (this can be taken on any day). The second day involves the rest of the tests: reading, writing and listening. You will get your results in six to eight weeks, which are valid for 2 years. Your overall band score on the IELTS report card will reflect a mean comparison of all the speaking and testing sessions you have ever had. For example, if you score 8 across the board on each of the 4 sections and the wri ting test, you would gain an Overall Band Score of 8. If one of the questions you answered got you less than 8 out of 9, then your overall score would go down by 1/9. This is the reverse-weighted scoring system that IELTS uses. So it's important to note that mistakes don't just attract a low mark——they can also affect how high your score can rise. 所以大家在练习词汇时,要注意积累短语和句型。这样可以更快、更牢固地记忆词汇。在做完真题后,大家可以听听真题讲解,看看自己是哪里做错了,从而更有针对性的复习。 学为贵雅思课不错!值得推荐!


