公立学校的话,建议选择学区内或者附近学区的学校,因为政策是就近入学嘛,然后可以关注一些州立大学或者社区大学的校区附近的公立中学,比如德克萨斯理工(TEXAS Technological University)所在的科罗拉多城(Colorado City)的沃森中央(Warehouse Central High School),还有莱斯大学(RiceU.)所在的休斯敦地区的高中里也有不少不错的学校,比如圣盖博中学Stagecoach Academy, 韦伯斯特高中Webster HS, 以及帕特罗斯高中PATROS HSS (Patros is actually in Houston ISD but it's not technically the only high school we had on our list to get into because I think they have a good track record of graduating their students and that’s what matters most)等等。