

其实F1和F2都是美国非移民签证,F1是学生签,F2是持F1签证人的配偶或者未成年子女(<21周岁)的签证,持有者可以以陪读的身份跟在F1学生的后面一起进入美国。 但是请注意,F2是没有学分的,不能上全日制的大学课程,只能上短期课程,或者参加ESL语言学习之类的,而且如果F1学生转校的话,F2也需要重新办理手续才能继续留在美国。

因为美国公民是可以为他们的配偶及子女申请绿卡的,所以从理论上来说,你可以在美国一直呆下去直到你的配偶成为美国公民;但是实际生活中会遇到很多困难,比如长期待在美国的话会有各种税要交等等。另外,如果F1学生被学校遣送回国了,那么F2也会被要求立即离开美国 一般来说,如果你是在美国出生的美国公民的配偶或子女,那么你只需要准备基本的资料就可以顺利获得签证了,但是如果你是其他情况,那么就要多想想对策了~ F-1 Visa, Student (Non-Academic) The student visa is for those who wish to pursue a full course of study at an academic level. Most students applying for this type of visa will attend high school, college or university in the United States. This is also called an academic nonimmigrant. There are two types of visas that are issued under this category: F-1 and M-1. The applicant must be able to prove financial support during their stay in the U.S. and have sufficient health insurance coverage while studying here. Students should also maintain full-time status as determined by the school. A student may change to a part-time schedule only with approval from both his/her school and INS. The application forms required depend on whether you apply when staying outside the US, within one year prior to your arrival into the USA, or upon entry into the country through a port-of-entry. All applicants are subject to background checks which could include interviews, fingerprinting, and medical examinations. If approved, they receive a temporary visa stamp in their passport showing validity up to six months before it needs renewal. Before departing the United States en route to return home, all students receiving an academic degree must take “Degree Seeking Plan Exit Interview” held either in person or over the telephone. These interviews verify that the degree program has been completed properly according to local regulations and guidelines provided by each respective institute or school of higher education. At the conclusion, the INS officer issues a “Certificate of Clearance” allowing the student’s departure. Upon returning to the US, the clearance certificate is required by the Department of Homeland Security office in New York


F-2是学生签证,也是美国公民和居民的家属所持有的非移民类签证,申请人在获得该签证后可以到美国进行短期或长期的学习活动。 18岁以下的申请人需要提供出生证明;如果是美国国籍申请者需要提供护照原件+复印件、户口本原件及复印件并盖章、填写DS-556申请表及签字、照片两张。 18岁(含)以上的申请人需提供身份证、居住证原件和复印件、学生证原件和复印件以及学校出具的在读证明和成绩报告单;父母一方身份证复印件正反面各两份,有工作单位的还需提供在职证明和单位营业执照副本; 除了上述这些材料外还需要准备DS-160表格、I-20表等相关文件去进行面试
