2018年7月23日续签,秒过~ 我是美本大三大四在读,去年暑假(2017.6)回国续的签。 签证官只是看了一下我的I-20表和护照,问了几个问题就通过了。
我和我妈一起进去面签的,我坐在第一排,所以签证官先看了下我的材料,然后开始问我问题: 签证官: Do you have any questions for visa officer? 我妈: No 签证官: (把材料还给我,然后看着我) Who do you live with in USA? Me and my girlfriend, we are living together on campus but I don't think it is a problem because what they care about is that whether or not your relationship has been stable over the last year. Anyway, tell me more aboout yourself! What did you major? Engineering... OK so it doesn't look like there will be problems as long as can pass your school interview... Where wouldyou go after you get back to China? To Beijing maybe where both of our university are located, which makes things easier. And then you can visit some friends at home and family here. My visa was issued this morning so if anything happens tomorrow, please call us immediately! Bye bye! 全程大概5分钟,签证官态度很好,没有为难也没有查资料,很快就结束了。 我觉得只要你的学校没问题,学习目的合理,且在国内有牢靠的家庭基础和社会关系,一般都不会被拒签,放心去面试吧!
PS: 当时因为签证官只让我一个人回答问题,所以我妈妈就没有发言了哈哈哈~~不过她还是顺利拿到了10年的B1/B2签证哦~希望她的美国之旅能顺顺利利!