以方给出的文件是,一个36个月有效期的多次旅游/商务签证。有效期由签发日期计算,从入境时间开始生效,离境后仍然算有效期内。在有效期内可以多次入出境但每次停留期限不超过90天。 这是给一般申请人的签证,没有提及给中国科学家的特殊签证类型。
关于这类签证的详细规定可以在以色列移民与公民局官网查到(en.mfa.gov.il)。 这个网站主要讲的是常规游客签证和居留许可,对多次往返签证没有明确说明。但是,在“visa & residence permits for short stays"这一大项下,有专门的“visas and visas free of charge”章节讲了短期多次往返签证的申请要求和程序。 其中,对于旅游/商务等短期的多次往返签证是这样规定的: “Visas are not issued automatically to nationals or residents who have been granted long-term status in Israel, as the purpose of a multiple entry visa is that it will be used within its validity period by those entering Israel frequently for business purposes, which require frequent reentries. In order to obtain such permit one should apply at an embassy before his arrival with documents proving he has sufficient financial means to support himself during his stay, proofs of hotel reservations and ticket purchases on flights returning from time to time etc. The Israeli authorities may ask foreign visitors seeking such kind of visa if they intend to work or engage in any other activity while in Israel without approval from the Ministry of labour, Industry And Trade. It is necessary to submit evidence proving this intention, among others a letter addressed from their employers in countries where they reside showing the reasons of the visit abroad, a contract signed between them and the local company for whom they serve and supporting documentation indicating their annual income and source of payment. ” 这部分内容中,提到了要满足一定条件才可以申请多次出入境的旅游签/商务签。这些条件包括要有足够资金支持旅行和生活、做好回程航班的规划安排等等;另外还提到如果有工作或从事其他活动而没有劳动部门许可的话会被拒绝签证。虽然并没有明确说科学家不符合这些条件,但是,根据字面理解,科学家去以色列显然不可能只是出差度假吧。。。而且,科学家的工作一般都是国家政府支持的研究项目,这样的背景也实在很难让移民局的官员相信他们是以个人的身份来以色列出差的啊! 所以我觉得这个多次往返签证给到中国科学家的可能性非常低。