我考过的两次雅思,口语Part 3都是没有问题的,但是分数不太高,6/6.5,一次是准备很久自己写的答案,一次是临时准备的题库。所以我的经验也许不是那么适合题主的情况。但我希望能给到一些启发。
1. 描述一个你喜欢的课程,你用到的词汇和句式:
I enjoy my English course because... My favorite subject is English and I find it easy to understand. You will be surprised to know that in our class we usually have a lot of fun talking about.... Do you think learning can be enjoyable at the same time as challenging? Yes, definitely. For me, one of the most enjoyable things about learning is when your teacher makes you think about something from an aspect you didn't consider before. So then not only do you learn more but also you are able to have some deep thoughts which could change your way of thinking.
2. 想像一下你是教授这个课程的教师,你会教些什么内容:
Well, first of all, I would say “welcome to English”! I am sure you must be feeling a bit nervous right now! Then how about taking out some paper and pen and write down everything you want to tell us. Go ahead! And after you’re done, we can start to talk about… OK, so what did you write down? Well, I see you put down “writing” and “reading”. Now let me ask you something: what kind of writing and reading do you want us to practice? Is there anything else you want us to work on? How about speaking? What if we talked for five minutes every day about whatever you wanted to discuss?