

Maps is the master of studies degree (MSt). It's a taught but non-research based course, so it's more like a professional Master's in that sense - you don't need to have studied for a Bachelors there or anywhere else before to apply, as long as you can satisfy their entry requirements - they just want to make sure your mathematical skills are at a high enough level and that you know what kind of research is expected in that programme。

The Masters is almost entirely coursework(you do have some optional project based modules)with no final project or dissertation, with the only assessment being a couple of fairly short written assignments on topics not selected by the student themselves; once you pass all the modules you are awarded the MSt degree, usually after two years full time study.

The one thing I will say about the MSc is it's intensive in terms of contact hours and homework, but the subject matter is very well defined and you won't be overwhelmed trying to get through material. The faculty本身也承认这课程的实用性,所以不会把太多的理论知识灌给你(不过对于学统计的人而言很多东西都是新的,需要花时间去消化理解和应用),而且很多内容跟本科的课程有很大重叠,因此会省掉很多重复的内容。

For example we cover a lot of ground on introductory statistical models, then once those are established we use them as a basis for more advanced modelling work in subsequent modules。同样,因为授课老师本身就经常参与学术会议和发表文章,因此课程内容并不会停滞不前,也会随着最新的研究成果更新内容和深化理论。

我是在2017年入学的,当时这个课程还没有完全改版为MSc,因此课程设置和内容会有一些区别,但是总体体验和感受是差不多的。 如果你以后不想搞科研,想进业界工作,我个人觉得这是一个很好的选择,因为它能给你提供非常好的分析问题的方法和扎实的理论基础,再加上数据处理和分析相关的技能(虽然这些可以在工作中学到,但这里能让你更快更系统的学习到),你会在这个课程中获益匪浅。




