美国签证的I-20是学生入学和居留的美国官方凭证,一般由美国学校发放给去美国留学的学生。 通常情况,面签通过之后,使馆会将签好章的护照及I-20寄回给申请人(或委托人),而申请人拿到护照及个人资料页复印件后,要亲自送到学校国际生办公室登记。这个过程叫做“激活”,不进行这一步操作的话,I-20将视为无效文件! 但是如果申请人有拒签记录,那么就需要咨询学校是否需要做特殊登记。所以有同学会收到这样的邮件提醒:
Dear Prospective Student, We would like to advise you that your F1 visa was issued recently by the Embassy /Consulate General of United States. You are required to complete SEVIS transfer process at NIE (Non Immigrant Examination) Center in Beijing before arriving for enrollment. Please make an appointment with NIE center as soon as possible and bring your signed I-20 form, passport with visas page(s), previous school transcripts/certificates if applicable when attending. This will avoid future unnecessary delays on arrival. Should have any questions please feel free to contact us or our partner schools. Best Wishes! 以上,就是一些关于I-20的小贴士,希望对同学们有帮助哦~