

我以移民申请者的角度谈下SBS签证,这个对留学生转永居很有用。 先介绍下我的基本情况:本硕都是澳洲八大之一的学校,商科会计硕士在读,2018年7月开始工作(457打工度假签证),目前处于PR申请中。

SBS是Skilled and Business Stream的缩写。主要分两个部分: Skill Assessment and Skill Score. 因为大部分同学应该都是读本科和硕士,所以这里只讨论Master/Bachelor Degree or Higher Level Degree。 SBS的另一个条件是要在澳洲住满两年(16个月)。

关于这些在移民局官网上都有很详细的解释说明。下面我就一一介绍下每个步骤的具体要求以及所需要的材料。 步骤一:完成skill assessment 第一步就是需要在移民局网站上找到你从事的行业是否已经接受skill assessment。如果该行业已经在skills assessment里面注册了,那么接下来就可以进行第二步了。 在我工作的公司所在的州,需要做的skill assessment是在澳大利亚人力资源协会AHRI上进行的。 AHRI对于每一类行业都会有一个skilling standard来描述从业者需要达到什么样的标准要求才能算是合格的。不同的行业又分为Levels 1-3,而会计就属于Level1. 对于每一个level都会有详细的要求比如教育背景,工作经验等等。

Step2: Apply for skill score (for employers) 当你的雇主成功提交了信息之后就会得到一个job offer code. 这个code是用来计算skill point的。雇主可以通过登陆jobs on line来进行这一过程的操作: http://www.employment.gov.au/applying-togive-joboffer-australia 这一步不需要学生提供任何资料或者签名。

Step3: Complete the form 106 Apply to become a permanent resident of Australia. This can be done online at this URL : www.immigrantresidenceapplication.homeaffairs.gov.au/IRAS/index.jsp You have two options when applying: by mail, or with your visa in hand while you are still overseas. The application process is usually pretty quick; it takes between one month to three months to receive an outcome from Immigration depending where they sent back your documents to you. I was given six weeks time frame but took nine weeks, so it's not that much difference after all. And now here comes part B: how to get those points?! There are basically four ways to do it: Job Offer, Employer Supervision, English language competency, work experience. Each method has different requirement which will affect what kind of skills points you’re going to add up. It'll also give you some pointers should you meet any criteria during your job search.


我目前是持有香港非永久居民的护照,有香港的居民身份证的 然后想申加拿大签证,在移民厅那里拿到的申请表格上需要填写自己过往出入境加拿大的记录和以往前往美国的记录(没有美国) 如果我没有去过加拿大和美国的话这些该怎么填呢?直接填无吗?
